Meal components: drink
Okay okay so it’s mostly ice.
But believe me, it tastes WAY better than plain ‘ol ice! I’m not on P2, I ate it, and I loved it. This is a perfect phase 2 HCG diet treat or snack, and for anyone doing some major clean eating while in P3 and P4, this would be a perfect snack at any time as well.

And it really is technically zero calories. So don’t complain! It’s not your grandma’s Applecrisp by a long shot, but I’m imagining a scenario where you’ll be thinking to yourself that you’re having a hard time on P2 because you wish you could snack, then you realize, ‘hey! I can snack….on my hibiscus slushie…..’ after which you’ll get through P2 successfully. I suppose that rendition of the story is slightly truncated, but I think it’s one of those things that will make you feel some relief when you feel stuck while on the diet.
The secret ingredient is…tada! Hibiscus flowers- or as known in the hispanic culture apparently Jamaica (even though my “name” is hCGChica, I’m not actually hispanic and my spanish is limited to what I can barely remember from high school 15 years ago…..sorry to disappoint

If you don’t know the taste and flavor of hibiscus yet you are SERIOUSLY missing out big time. I’ve been enjoying it now myself for oh, about 3 months. Okay so I’m not a veteran either. Who knew natural-from-the-earth-non-man-made-foods could be so delicious? I thought my tea had to have “natural flavors” in it to have this kind of kick. And I definitely can’t knock some of those teas like the celestial seasonings egg-nog tea. But we can all agree that the more natural the better.
I discovered the best way to get a very fruity taste is to make this tea using a cold brew method- I learned about that here.

I love that I can take just simple petals, add a dash of stevia, and have something that tastes delicious. It makes me feel a little like I’m cooking from scratch but in a non baking bread sorta way. :)-
- Mix the 4 cups water with 4tbsp hibiscus petals and let sit in the fridge overnight for 10-12 hours.
- Freeze into ice cubes after straining the petals.
- Add 1/2 cup water, 6-8 hibiscus ice cubes, and stevia to taste to the blender (I use my vitamix- if you have a regular blender, you might need to add more water).
- Blend and that’s it!
—- ARTICLE: When Can You Start Another Round of hCG Diet? —-

—- INTERVIEW: 104 lbs Lost With the hCG Diet Protocol —-

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