P2 hCG Diet Fruit Recipe | Chocolate Covered Frozen Strawberries
P2 hCG Diet Fruit Recipe | Chocolate Covered Frozen Strawberries
The long way (aka the slightly prettier result, for a more “decadent” experience way):
  1. Put strawberries into a ziplock bag
  2. Cut strawberries in half and place cut side up on cookie sheet
  3. Place 2-3 drops of Chocolate Raspberry Liquid Stevia on each strawberry
  4. Kind of smooth it across the top with finger
  5. Stick in the freezer
The quick way (aka the I need to just get this done so I can cook dinner for the kids way):
  1. Cut 1 quart Strawberries in half into a quart ziplock bag
  2. Sprinkle 2-3 droppers full Chocolate Raspberry Liquid Stevia
  3. Close bag and kind of “smoosh” around to spread the stevia on strawberries.
  4. Freeze- lay bag somewhat flat so strawberries don’t stick together too much.
  5. Eat- on P2 the amount is probably 5-ish strawberries per serving.